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2COMING TOGETHER MOCKUP 2 ebook small.jpg

Release Date: April 18, 2017


Nikki believed that she had found the perfect distraction...


He was the tattooed friend she didn’t see coming, the heartthrob she hadn’t meant to fall for. For just a little while, she wondered if their passion could overcome her fear...but had run at the first sign of the two pink lines. She hadn’t planned on having second thoughts, but the same love that terrifies her has her crawling back with her heart exposed.


Austin was heartbroken when the girl of his dreams left - but when she returns, he can’t control his hurt and anger. He can’t let himself get hurt again, but the pull and attraction becomes too much to ignore and he finds himself back in her arms. He’s determined to focus on Nikki and the baby, but their past isn’t the only threat to future happiness.


Luckily, some love is worth waiting for.

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